Saturday, February 2, 2013

In the land of bees and honey!!!!

WOW! John was keen to get some bees and for us to have our own he got busy reading and attended a few meetings at the bee club in the city and we haven't looked back since!...We got our first hive up and running in September and by late January have harvested our first lot of real Genuine Le Bons Bay honey ....mmmmmmm  yum. We now have 2 hives as shortly after establishing hive number 1 we received  a call from Doog Menzies saying he had a swarm in a tree at his place...Brave John in his suit climbed a ladder and knocked the swarm into a cardboard box and came home and talked them into making hive number 2 their far so good, we will take honey from them next year as they had to make a home from scratch so we have left them to it and will take honey next season. Mind you we have both had a few stings but guess that is part of owning bees.

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